PhD students

  • Omolola Ajayi

    Research title:

    Engineered Microenvironments for Multiscale Mechanobiology of Breast Cancer.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Delphine Gourdon

    Ruqayyah Alabdullah

    Research title:

    Generating a 3D environment to assess the role of Extracellular Vesicles in acute myeloid leukaemia using hydrogels

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Catherine Berry

    Yusuf Ayten

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matt Dalby

    Evangelia Bochti

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Catherine Berry

    Justine Clarke

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Catherine Berry

    Finlay Cunniffe

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Marco Cantini

    Udipt Ranjan Das

    Research title:

    Nanovibrational stimulation of mesenchymal stromal cell osteogenesis - investigating the relationship between osteogenesis, senescence, and inflammation

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matt Dalby

    Seb Doherty-Boyd

    Research title:

    Synthetic niches for haematopoietic stem cell maintenance and genetic manipulation.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matt Dalby

    Amy Carnegie

    Research title:

    Engineering Neurovascular Organoids of the Blood-Brain Barrier Using Microfluidics

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Kimia Witte

    Katherine Cory

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Delphine Gourdon

    George Frederick Vaughan Dunn

    Research title:

    Directing Peripheral Neurite Growth for Prosthetics

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Kimia Witte

    Konstantina Evdokimou

    Research title:

    Engineering viscoelastic hydrogels for mimicking the tumour microenvironment and stopping tumour progression

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Delphine Gourdon

    Zonghan Gan

    Research title:

    Dynamic biomaterials for stem cell engineering

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

    Philip Graemer

    Research title:

    AI-powered Smart Microscopy for cell engineering

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Giuseppe Di Caprio

    Gillian Higgins

    Research title:

    Clinical and Surgical Sciences

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Mathis Riehle

    Emily Horsburgh

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli

    Julia Isakova

    Research title:

    Developing RAMAN-based methodology to investigate cell glycosylation signatures

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Miguel Pineda

    Zarina Issabekova

    Research title:

    Development and characterisation of tuneable microgels for controlled protein delivery in tissue regeneration

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Cristina Gonzalez Garcia

    Paris Kalli

    Research title:

    Beating mesenchymal stem cell senescence with materials that organise growth factors

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matt Dalby

    Anna Maria Kapetanaki

    Research title:

    Label-free physical biomarkers for next generation cell sorting.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli

    Emma Jackson

    Research title:

    Magnetic hydrogels for bone tissue engineering

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Catherine Berry

    Rui Ling Lee

    Research title:

    Development of a humanised 3D hydrogel bone marrow niche model to study stem cell communication via extracellular vesicles.

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Cristina Gonzalez-Garcia

    Xinyu Li

    Research title:

    Development of new bioactive hydrogels for therapeutics protein delivery during tissue regeneration.

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Cristina Gonzalez-Garcia

    Ziyuan Luo

    Research title:

    Mechanotransduction in Viscoelastic Hydrogels

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Marco Cantini

    Emily Maxwell

    Research title:

    Advanced 3D bioprinted scaffolds for stem cell engineering

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

    Eonan William Pringle

    Research title:

    Dissipative microenvironments to understand cell response to viscosity.

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Marco Cantini

    Amina Rezig

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Mathis Riehle

    Ioanna Rigou

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matthew Dalby

    Conor Robinson

    Research title:

    Bioengineering of Pharma Ready Bone Marrow Models for Cancer Drug Screening.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matt Dalby

    Dora Rogkoti

    Research title:

    Modelling the bone marrow niche to study and predict tumourigenicity.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

    Shaima Riha

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

    Camilla Romagnoli

    Research title:

    Mechanobiology of senescent cells.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli

    Faiza Abdul Salam

    Research title:

    Nano indentation device using self-sensing cantilevers

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli

    Marta Cubero Sarabia

    Research title:

    Remote mechanical stimulation of stem cells for osteochondral regenerative therapy.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli

    Sabah Sardar

    Research title:

    Identification of Label-free Biomarkers in Visceral Myopathy

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli

    Konstantina (Nadia) Soulioti

    Research title:

    Correlating viscoelasticity and microstructure of the tumour environment to enable early detection, diagnosis and invasion of breast cancer.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Delphine Gourdon

    Alexandre Trubert

    Research title:

    'Bioactive hydrogels for stem cell engineering.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

    Ioannis Angelos Tsigkos

    Research title:

    Bioengineering cancer niches to develop stem cell therapies.

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Matt Dalby

    Euan Urquhart

    Research title:

    New bioactive hydrogels for growth factor delivery during wound healing.

    1st Supervisor:

    Dr Cristina Gonzalez-Garcia

    Xally Valencia

    Research title:

    1st Supervisor:

    Prof Massimo Vassalli