Sara Trujillo Munoz attends and speaks at the 6th International Symposium Interface Biology of Implants


Hi, I’m Sara. Last week I attended the 6th International Symposium Interface Biology of Implants that was held in Rostock, Germany. I travelled for the first time to Warnemünde, which is a beautiful fishing village located on the Baltic Sea in Rostock.

This symposium is organised every 3-4 years and the invited speakers are always very well known in their respective fields. So I was very excited for participating with a short talk.

The conference started with one of my favourite speakers, Andrés García. He showed us his work in biomaterials to fight bacterial infections. After this talk there was a get together, so I had the chance to chat with Andrés and other colleagues.

Glenn Gaudette kicked off the second day of the conference talking about decellularized leaves to develop vascularized scaffolds. Also, Tatiana Segura showed us great results on how VEGF affects regeneration in the brain and, Saba Rezakhani talked about 3D culture of epithelial organoids in PEG hydrogels. My talk was right after Saba’s, which was kind of neat because I could build up on Saba’s talk about PEG hydrogels showing our results with the fibronectin and laminin-PEG hydrogels.

After lunch we had the poster session, that I always enjoy. I was able to catch up with the work of colleagues that I cannot see that often like Vladimíra Moulisova (former colleague in Glasgow, now working in Czech Republic) or Patricia Rico and Gloria Gallego (former colleagues from Spain).

The third and last day of the conference was very intense! Starting with the talk of Stephen Badylak on host response to biomaterials, followed by Matthew Dalby, James Kirkpatrick and Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez (all of them in the morning session!). The afternoon session was not less powerful and we could listen to G.V. Shivashankar (very inspiring talk on mechanical control of genome architecture), also Raimon Sunyer Borrell explained beautifully collective durotaxis and Nikhil Jain talked about mechanoimmunology.

Overall, I had a great time. It is always nice to talk to colleagues outside of the lab and it is always refreshing to see the big picture on very different topics. I shall repeat!