New Research Incentive Grant for Hannah Donnelly!


Congratulations to Hannah Donnelly, a PDRA with Prof Matt Dalby at the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment, was this month awarded a Research Incentive Grant (RIG) from The Carnegie Trust. RIGs are an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to undertake, as the Principle Investigator, a short research project. This project can be stand-alone in nature, or related to, but separate from, current research. Hannah’s research focuses on engineering an in vitro model of the bone marrow stem cell niche, using biomaterial strategies and human stem cells. With the RIG, Hannah plans to further develop this model by integrating CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology. This will allow investigation into the therapeutic potential of gene edited cells in an in vitro environment that mimics physical and functional aspects of the native bone marrow compartment.