Mind & Body Healing Symposium

Event information The University of Glasgow and University College London are joining together for a half day symposium, in support of the Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation. Both teams are working with the Foundation, which aims to improve the lives of victims of conflict. The Foundation’s work is so important to civilians affected by war, often

Cool outreach activities

During lockdown, the CeMi have participated in fun activities, from personal fitness goals to cooking challenges, raising funds for the Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation to support the COVID-19 crisis in vulnerable communities (see: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/centre-for-the-cellular-microenvironment-uofg). As part of the activities, Sara Trujillo-Munoz created some fun sketches and activities for the #TinyTeamUofG (and adults!). From colouring Sir

New Research Incentive Grant for Hannah Donnelly!

Congratulations to Hannah Donnelly, a PDRA with Prof Matt Dalby at the Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment, was this month awarded a Research Incentive Grant (RIG) from The Carnegie Trust. RIGs are an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to undertake, as the Principle Investigator, a short research project. This project can be stand-alone in


University of Glasgow and Strathclyde are coming together, taking part in the biggest CeMi fitness challenge to date! For the last three months we have participated in a series of challenges, from personal fitness goals to cooking challenges, we have passed our £500 target to help support the amazing work of the Sir Bobby Charlton

HEALIKICK logo competition

HEALIKICK – logo design brief Competition details To create a logo for the HEALIKICK project. The chosen logo will be used on communication and dissemination materials throughout the project. Logo entries to the competition should be emailed to HEALIKICK Admin (healikick-admin@glasgow.ac.uk) by 3rd July 2020. Entries should be sent in PDF format, but the winning

Sir Bobby Charlton Strategic Board Meeting, 04/03/2020

On Wednesday 4th March we held the annual Sir Bobby Charlton Foundation Annual Strategic Board meeting. Jane Bateman, a member of the SBCF board, was in attendance. Professor Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez & Matt Dalby, Principal Investigators, welcome all members of the team and particularly Jane Bateman, a new member of the SBCF board, who joined the